• I Dream, I sleep,
    my psyche weaves
    Stories in the night.
    My Subconscious desires,
    A beautiful Scene,
    This vision of mine
    A film-like Dream,
    No reason, no Rhyme.

    Warm sand on my toes,
    Salt on the breeze
    Tickles my noes,
    Wish the moment would freeze.

    I watch her approach,
    Like a lady fair
    A goddess of High
    Her domain the air.

    The sun setting, on ivory skin
    Sets the lady aflame,
    steals my heart again.
    With a silent whisper,
    I wonder her name.

    "'Tis not important"
    Is what she does say,
    I want to press on,
    with a hand, she says "nay"
    Wrapped in silk,
    Such a Gauzy film,
    'Tis't a Wonder she controls the realm.

    A starting noise,
    my Eyes do flutter.
    A grumble, a Groan.
    Another morning alone.
    Dreams seem to taunt me so.