• Sorry thats life!!!

    Who said life is fair?Do some of us even care is there a point in living?
    Is there a point in forgiving? question
    We all ruin someone's live drag them through the mud.
    Why even bother a person anger them push them to the edge?
    When they did nothing to you?
    It's a game no one wins so why play it?
    People no matter how old ou are, and nice you are to someone,
    they will never give you the satisfaction,
    of even the thought of calling you a friend.
    We fall cause we think we own the world.
    People make up the world, some say we make our own problems,
    But that isn't true, usually others create our conflict.
    We are forced to deal with something we are not adapted too.
    We sometimes confront or get angry at the person.
    When our appression is boxed up inside.
    Some do the unthinkable whose to blame it could be you.
    Take hold of every moment and treasure it for life it,
    A gem it grows into something beautiful just like you.