• i shake
    i tremble
    i fear this rebel
    i stare into the night sky
    i scream in terror
    i reach out to the moon
    on this rooftop
    i cry out loud,as my arm is out stretched
    this rebel has been freed
    red eyes shine in the moon light
    blood trembles down from my lip
    sharp fangs glint in the light from the moon
    he appears the holder of my key
    he draws near
    the black and silver key in hand
    we stand staring in front of each other
    i take a daring step forward
    i passionately place my hand on his neck
    i reach up for a kiss
    as i come back down
    i bite his neck
    blood flows down his neck
    from his wound
    i wrap my arms around him
    i kiss him passionately
    i draw away to see his face
    we stare at each other
    still wrapped within each others arms
    we hold each other close
    the blood from his neck clearly on my hand
    so dark on my pale skin
    he lifts my head so genitally
    with only a few fingers on my chin
    he kisses me back so romantically
    tears come to my eyes
    i think of my life
    all the mistakes
    all the problems
    all the pain
    i pull him as close as possible
    i rest my head against his chest
    a gental heart beat is heard
    a simple thumping rhythm
    feeling all sorts of emotions
    ones i have never felt before
    i want him
    i place my hand upon his cheek
    and stare into his eyes
    i love him
    a gust of cold air blows by
    hes gone
    im shocked
    the blood is still on my hand
    i reach out to the moon again
    with the blood soaked hand, i scream
    as a rebel, i never thought
    i would have such a heaven