• We met upon the internet
    But what we did we'll never forget
    There are some memories meant to remember
    Some memories you keep away forever

    Although I can't see your face
    The internet is the place
    I like to stay
    To see you each day

    I have never heard your voice
    Our words keep our friendship moist
    We may never meet each other
    But still I feel like your brother

    A graphic line connects us together
    One that, I hope, will stay there forever
    I remember that time you had to go
    All I did was say no

    Everyone calls us strangers
    Around you I see no danger
    We've known each other for 6 years
    But we have never caused each other tears

    We may only be kids
    But we don't talk about squids
    We talk about the future
    Vet, psychiatrist, agriculture

    We met upon the internet
    But what we did we'll never forget
    There are some memories meant to remember
    Some memories you keep away forever