• I.
    Hallucinations come every hour on the hour
    Fragments of a memory never to be found
    I’m sick and tired of this merry-go-round
    But I can’t get off so I hold on to the bars
    Sedated, dizzy, pathetically weak
    And they still put me in eternal detention
    All eyes are upon me and the unwanted attention
    Is enough to drive a sane man to the brink.
    I’m spinning round and around and again
    Losing my sanity bit by little bit.
    I’ll get out of this wasteland full of s**t
    One day soon, but who knows when?

    I’m thinking the worst but hoping for the best
    And no one’s there to catch me but me
    As I fall down this empty side street
    There’s no escape, there’s no retreat
    Still I call for help at the top of my lungs
    But no one comes, no one comes.
    Doesn’t anyone hear? Doesn’t anyone care?
    Can’t anyone save me from this obscure despair?
    ‘Cause every drop of blood they take
    Is a deliberate mistake
    And every drag of that menthol pixy stick
    Is another notch in my cold, dark grave.

    I saw through the hoax, escaped at last
    Took a few friends with me and fast
    Burned down their church and danced in its ashes
    As the rest of the prisoners escaped
    And as the last mirror in that dread place did break
    The transient illusions finally did fade
    And the chains that bound us to darkness cracked
    And we all shook hands, left, and never looked back.

    Each one went in a different path
    Free to live life any way they want.
    A few opted to continue the crusade to free
    Other prisoners from other places,
    And one of them was me.