• Will you dance with me again sometime,
    Even though the music has stopped?
    Even though our audience is invisable?
    Even though your hand can no longer hold mine?
    Lets sing our songs again like we did when we were younger,
    Because I'd rather be beside you, then without you, as I am now.
    So lets raise our voices, and quicken our steps.
    Lets laugh and smile and be happy like before,
    Because without you, I can't dance.
    And I can't sing.
    And the music from within me slowly dies away.
    So would you share a dance with me, just one, real quick, for old times sake?
    Because I need your warmth and smiles now, to thaw away the cold of emptiness.
    And to build up these shattered walls mine.
    Dip me, twirl me, reel me in.
    Keep me close and hold me tight so I can finally gaze into your eyes,
    And say goodbye.