• With every day that passes
    The world changes just a bit
    With every moment we pause to enjoy
    The wonderful things we have
    That is the moment we are truly living
    Yet not many have

    With tears at the brim of my eyes
    I am saddened by the corruption humans brought
    Power hungry we thirst for more
    To rule everything until there is nothing left free
    But isn't that how it is supposed to be?

    Greedy, you cant deny
    We all have moments where we just sit and cry
    Thinking about only ourselves
    Yet saddened by others dillema's

    Not bothering to try and stop it
    But you sit and complain
    About how painful it is to see
    These things happeneing

    Crazy, I know
    But what can I say?
    I sit and cry at night
    knowing I might not wake up the next day

    With lives yet to live
    We are the youth, the soul of what we call the future
    But what if the future does not come?
    And we destroy ourselves one by one

    Then what shall we do
    When only two stand?
    Will we fight to the death
    Or lay down our weapons and shake hands

    If you stop and look around
    Closely at everything
    You will understand
    The future that does not lay ahead
    Heading in this direction
    We are certain to dig our own grave

    Fighting across sea's, states, and towns
    The message we send out to those so innocent
    Our lives are at stake
    Yet no one cares

    Now I will ask you once
    Please take my hand
    Help me change this world
    To the life it was supposed to be
    Do not sit by
    And hope someone else does it