• 7 deadly sins,
    7 ways to win,
    7 holy paths to hell... haha.
    7 downward slopes,
    7 bloodied hopes,
    7 burning fires,
    7 you desires.

    Avarice, Envy, Gluttony, Lust, Pride, Sloth, Wrath.

    All these ways to hell, to death ... to ... to PARIDISE!

    All these creatures surrond me, snarling beasts, burning red eyes , razor sharp teeth.
    All coming to worship ME! Master of the shadows! Sacrifice must go on! To bring Hell to earth! TO RAISE MY NUMBER, THREE TIMES MORE POWERFUL! 666 SHALL BE HIS NUMBER! POWERED BY THESE 7 SINS! AVARICE, ENVY, GLUTTONY, LUST, PRIDE, SLOTH, AND WRATH! NO ONE SHALL STOP ME!

    But what is this?!?! My power is weakening! But how? The power of God? But how is this possible?!?!

    I may be vanquished, but I'll be back once again, to let my evil prevail!