• Gaara: I panda

    Sakura: u r not a panda gaara.

    Naruto: I'm hungry

    Kakashi: *holds up apple* here. eat a nice nutricious apple

    Naru: *stares @ apple. . . .then shoves it up kashi's @$$*

    sasu: loser

    gaara: *throws up rainbow*

    saku: * sigh* gaara i thought temari told you to stop eating your crayons.

    gaara: she did *holds up crayon box full* i ate those *points to empty box of 1000,000,000,000 box of crayons*

    kashi; hey! those r mine! *crys*

    naru: what a baby

    sasu; loser

    saku; cut kashi some slack! he had an apple shoved up his @$$, his crayons ate, and is being raped by iruka!

    naru: raped? when did that happen?

    saku; he's being raped right now!

    gaara; *watching kashi being raped by ruka*

    sasu: *emo*

    THE END!!!!