• The time of torture is at hand.
    I cast you out of our dear land.
    I envoke my powers into this spell.
    Get out of here! Burn in Hell!

    Evil one, your time is done.
    We shall rise with the sun.
    Your blood will run on the ground.
    No one will hear your crying sound.

    Dark one, I swear, hear me now,
    You will die, you horrid sow!
    Take your schemes, your hidden "pains,"
    And leave us now, free of your games.

    All who are cursed by her domain,
    Break free with us from her hurting reign!
    No one must feel sad for her.
    For her life, is a life of dirt.

    We will throw her deep into Hell.
    There, I feel, she won't be well.
    Satan, open up your arms.
    Take this witch, free us from harm!