• Crys and giggles, moans and shrieks
    Escape from all the girls' throats
    Every single one of them are freaks
    Behind the many layers and coats

    Of make up and forced smiles
    There's fear that will never be clear
    To the public face, every denomination, every race
    Despair overflowing with tears

    They follow the crowd, and laugh, and shrug off
    The constant ebbing of this grief
    Some will find ways to take the edge off - drugs, sex, fake popularity
    Crys and giggles, moans and shrieks

    Then they're alone, tears rolling down
    Teddy bears and pillows hugged to thier breasts
    Souls lost, waiting to be found
    Thier heavy hearts beating through thier chests

    Ragged breaths slow to calmer rythems
    Swollen eyes close to sleepless nights
    Cold creepy images sift through warm happy memories
    Through nightmares and thunderstorms they keep thier eyes shut tight

    And awake to the same old hidden emotions
    The same old dreary lives
    Deep under the sweaty nights are annotations
    Of crys and giggles, moans and shrieks