• I am here howling to you to understand
    Somehow to gently take my hand
    And tell me things will be alright
    I am here sitting in fear tonight
    Thinking somehow this might be the end
    The end of where I lose another good friend
    I dont want it to be over it isnt time
    Give what we have one more chance
    And you will surely soon see'
    That I cannot live without you
    But time is setting us free

    Is this the start of the end
    Is there a way to go back
    We both have fallen off the tracks
    I miss what was once before
    That is what I cherish the most
    But now all I see is a ghost
    A ghost trying to hold on
    Desperately gasping for air
    Not able to breathe
    Is this what it comes down to
    Is this all that is left?
    I am trying to keep you
    But something always stands in the way

    What can I do or say to you now
    Where you change your mind somehow
    Maybe I shouldnt change a thing
    Maybe its me that should understand
    Sometimes you have to let go of my hand
    Will you find your way home again
    Straight through to my heart
    Or can I draw you a map
    And show you where it all starts

    It all started with just one word
    One simple connection
    That time will never erase
    You're more than just a friend
    You became a part of me
    And now I understand
    Sometimes I have to set you free