A Terrible Tale Titled Jealousy...
This is the curse which has befallen me.
It's walls close in around my prone rigid body.
I cannot see nor can I breathe
As my fragile figure is squeezed into a tidal wave of
The eye of a hurricane from deep in my heart draws nearer...
as I flail helplessly against.
Caught in a queer form of limbo from which I can not escape.
And I am dragged downward
'tword a sword of dark and a thought of jealousy.
- Title: Jealousy
- Artist: Skyraa
- Description: just a poem i wrote like foreverrrr ago.
- Date: 08/13/2009
- Tags: jealousy
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Comments (1 Comments)
- Toe-Tappingly Tragic - 09/23/2009
- This is actually kind of good.. And I tend to be overly-critical of poetry, even my own. Most submissions onto Gaia are mediocre or written with the skill of a middle schooler who's in intensive English but this is surprisingly good.
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