• crying
    I cant stand not being with you. You make all my sad days go away. When im with you i just block out the others and focus on you. I cried almost ever night because knowing that I dont have you scares me more than anything. I dont care what people say arout you and I. We would just laugh because the havent felt the way we did. Baby I love you with all my heart and so much more. If you was about to die i would rip out my own heart and give it to you. You mean the world to me. I just want you to give me a chance to show you that i can give what most other boys cant even show you. That is LOVE, you're the first girl I acutually said I LOVE YOU to and really meaned it. I didnt believe in Love at first sight, but when i seen your beatiful smile and we held hands for the first time I was about to break down and cry. You are the reason i changed my ways a became a better person. I heart YOU SO MUCH!!!!!