• You think and think on the car ride,
    for the days and minutes rolling by,
    when they are gone, you go to school,
    hope you're gonna be really cool.

    The car parks and you get out,
    Into the store, you scout about,
    for pencils and notebooks and folders too,
    You want cool patterns, your dad gets blue.

    Clothes shopping is a bore.
    You try things on, your mom gets more.
    No cool shoes are in your size,
    Instead there are sneakers that you despise.

    And now that it's over, you're checking out.
    When the price is rung up, your mother shouts,
    "Thar's way too much, get rid of the socks,
    and the new multicolored bicycle locks.

    It's a pity this happens, time after time,
    Back to school shopping, It should be a crime,
    Your dad picks out stuff, your mom is so cheap.
    So please don't, please don't utter a peep,

    about back to school shopping,
    or anything more.