• I'm a person without a heart
    A soulless being wandering on earth
    I wondered what made us fall apart
    What happened to our love?

    I looked back to the past and started crying
    It's my fault, it's your fault, weren't we trying?
    Too sad to think about the precious memories
    Only, too late to realized they were all lies

    I'm one of those fools fall into the hole too deep
    No hands can reach the bottom of this endless pit
    Painfully hurting myself over and over again
    Will this selfish game ever end?

    These tears that are flowing down my cheeks
    You're the reason why they leaked
    The cut I've made against my wrist
    It bleeds without neither a turn nor a twist

    When I thought what we had is perfect
    But as the time grew, it began to turn into conflicts
    Now as I stand on my two feet, I shout out to the heavens
    Let my woes and cries be heard until their ears are deafened