• A line of blood in the freshly fallen snow,
    He falls into a heap at her feet,
    As the knife falls to the ground and she to her knees,
    He struggles for a last breath as she holds him near,
    She looks into his eyes and knows,
    "The bond between us is forever.." He manages to voice,
    A tear falls from her cheek to his as he fades out of this life,
    She gets up and looks upon the scene that she has created,
    Unwilling to believe what she looks upon,
    Her soul screaming inside of her,
    Wanting to have it's voice heard,
    She Weeps softly as she picks up the knife and sheaths it away,
    Her mission, her love, She picked the path that was best,
    She push's the silent screams in her soul away,
    Her hand grips the knife handle,
    She can't control herself as the blade raise's to her neck,
    A thin line of blood appears on the blade from the pressure,
    A Shadow appears before her,
    Faintly resembling her fallen love,
    "Don't give in.... I understand..." The spirit whispers,
    She releases the grip on the knife and fall's to the ground,
    The spirit starts to disappear,
    She cry's out for it to stay,
    The spirit smiles then fades away,
    "We will be together again" A voice whispers in her ear,
    She looks around but no ones there but her and the body,
    As the snow falls around the scene,
    She vow's to make right this wrong,
    As she snatch's up the knife and makes her way towards her fate.