• It was only the beginning
    The beginning of the end
    The end of the life once given

    We were such close friends
    Too close you would say
    At least I thought so

    I didn't want to be so close
    He wanted to
    I tried to avoid him

    He followed me
    I told him to let me be
    He grabbed my arm

    He told me not to scream or something would happen
    Something of horrible events
    Something no one should have to deal with

    He had taken me out into a dark parking lot
    A parking lot where no one would be able to see
    A parking lot of pain and suffering

    He then forced a kiss on me and told me everything was going to be okay
    I tried to get up and run away but he grabbed me
    He grabbed me then slapped me

    He told me that running wouldn't be such a good idea
    He said that if I ran ungodly things would happen to me
    So I did as I was told

    I stayed there and then he grabbed me again
    He tried to touch me and I moved my hand away
    But then he grasped at my throat and he....

    He...did it...
    He did this to me....
    This ungodly thing no one wants

    This thing that crushes the dream of a young woman
    This thing that can kill a soul within minutes
    This thing called rape

    I didn't ask for this
    He had this horrible look of lust in his eye
    As I closed my eyes and cried as he did

    I never knew that forever I would be broken...
    He took something so precious from me
    He took my soul too

    I layed down in bed that night
    Haven't said a word to anyone
    I started to cry

    I couldn't sleep
    If I closed my eyes it would have haunted me
    So I took this rope

    This rope I wrapped around my neck
    This rope that I pulled to strangle myself
    I was so close

    But she saved
    The part of me that died
    She took the rope from me and layed it on the ground and told me to think

    She told me to think of all the people I would hurt
    My future
    My everything

    Til this day he is caught
    I am trying to move on
    She still haunts me..