• Your here
    I'm here
    Alone we are
    So I shake in fear
    I begin to cry
    You look over
    You kiss me
    I kiss you back
    But why do I not feel any guilt
    Any shame at all
    I feel nothing
    Nothing at all
    Even though I love another guy
    How can I be this cruel
    I keep kissing him
    Knowing that I should stop
    Knowing that this is wrong
    I just kept going
    Kissing a man I had just met
    A stranger
    When I should be with the one I love for real
    But no I guess it was okay to play a few games with other guys
    What am I saying
    No it isn't
    I finally am through with him
    I put back on my cloths
    I walk away from him
    Thats when he comes
    The one I have just deseived
    The one that trusts me
    I look up into his eyes
    As tears poor down my face
    He then kisses me
    He says it'll be okay hes there
    He doesn't even know what I've done
    If only he did
    How can I tell him
    I can't
    I won't
    So I pretend like nothing happened
    Like everythings fine
    Even though it's not
    Then the guilt builds up inside me
    Cuts begin to form on my wrists
    I become helpless
    I am helpless
    Yet he still says he loves me
    Only because he doesn't know the truth I'm hiding from him
    From everyone