• A stray grey cat roaming the allies
    Guided by street light beams
    Yellow orbs reflect in the shadows
    As if they will swallow whole
    The sins that the night time city hides
    I’m an animal
    Camouflaged in a fur coat
    To be considered innocent by the people
    Deceptive and holding secrets in gold
    I’m smarter than most believe
    Raised on the streets to become what I am
    A liar and a spy and a household pet
    But what’s to be learned at the kitty litter box?
    There’s no sense of danger in the kitchen
    The only peril is bath day every Wednesday
    Leave me be, I want freedom
    Mobility is my preference for I don’t desire stability
    Velvet starry skies conveyed as my shroud
    Protection from the barking beasts that lurk in the dumpsters
    What’s this I see now?
    Two stick figures strolling through the park
    Carrying something…and it moves!
    Yes, curiosity killed that cat
    But that’s what nine lives are meant for
    Nine lone chances to take a risk
    As quiet as the mice I pursue, I follow diligently
    Watching the two stick shadows pause and listen
    I hold my breath for my presence must not be known
    They seem reassured so they continue
    Quick paced and silent I follow suit
    Maneuvering through crowded trash cans over flowing
    With the rotting smell of week old garbage
    The paranoid figures enter the harbor cautiously
    Balancing their luggage which is too heavy to be clothing
    All of a sudden they swing it as if it were a child
    Now they start to count
    One, two, three, let go!
    Letting go the bag is dumped into the ocean depths
    Without glancing back they make like frightened rodents
    They flee from the scene of their crime
    And I remain witness like I usually am
    It’s just too bad I can’t communicate with the authorities
    I have so much information
    Baring it all in my golden orbs
    It’s just too bad
    I’m just a stray grey cat
    Walking the dangerous allies alone
    Seeing the deeds of the antagonist’s game