• as time falls and dies we do too
    but some of our waste doesn't
    as we waste paper and plastic
    hurts so much but not just to us
    we fel the effect as trach consumes the planet
    but don't feel as much pain as the life around us do
    they been hurting for eons and eons
    screaming for help
    but to small for us to hear
    so i say i can hear them scream
    and you should to
    before its tolate save the world,
    be so kind
    we need people like you and me thinking about as you see
    however where only humans that can't help all the trees
    cuz were to small agianst a global thing
    but at least lets try
    lets try
    lets try to do wats need to be done
    if wee cant help but all you can do is recycle then
    recycle and recycle for the good of mankind
    as i sit here and typing thousands of trees lay waste to the ground
    waiting for their demise
    so pleas come together and help me and mankind
    recycle... but not only recycle paper and plastic or any other materials
    but the hope of us and the world to be a clean healthy place for all life
    including mankind

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