• These times are so uncertain

    There's a yearning undefined, And people filled with rage

    We all need a lttle tenderness

    How can love survive in such a hate-full age?

    And the trust and self-assurance that leads to happiness

    Are the very things we kill,i guess

    What are all the voices outside love's open doors

    Make us throw off our comtentment and beg for something more

    I've been learning to live without you

    But i miss you baby

    The more i know,the less i understand

    And all the things i thought i knew,im learning them again

    i cant forget you,Your always on my mind

    But the pain will hopefully go away,but it takes time

    Everything i do is because of you

    i miss you so much,n i hope you miss me too

    but you live in the sky now just looking down

    Just to let you know,i forgive you now

    ***You are and will always be my angel***