• Plea

    I try to fight it.
    I try to run,
    I scream,
    I kick,
    But the pain is still there.

    What do I do?
    It's just too much.
    The tears just keep gathering,
    And, no matter how much I try to fight it,
    They keep falling.

    I'm consumed by this unforgettable pain,
    It has me clenched in its grasp,
    I can't escape.
    I want to escape.

    Everyday is like a lifetime,
    I try to breath,
    I feel like I'm drowning.
    The darkness scares me.
    It's so dark.

    What did I do wrong?
    Why do I deserve this?

    I don't even want much.
    I've never wanted much.
    I just want this pain to end.

    I can't live,
    When all I know is this pain.

    I make it seem like I'm okay.
    I laugh,
    I smile
    But I'm screaming on the inside.

    I want to be saved.
    Save me.
    Because I can't hold on much longer.