• You would think
    that someone who
    couldn't think like
    you or like
    me would be
    able to do
    do what you
    or me could
    You would think
    someone who didn't
    like them self
    could love others
    like you or
    You would think
    someone who hated
    their family could
    love little animals
    like you or
    You would think
    someone who drew
    blood could feel
    like you or
    You would think
    someone who didn't
    want love could
    love like you
    or I could
    When all that you have to look forward to
    is death and life, you would think that
    that person could learn to love both, and embrace both.
    But what if that person wanted to die or what if they
    needed to live?
    What if that person says that they love animals
    and then beats their dog for chewing something small.
    What if that person had everything that they wanted
    and yet they needed more?
    What if that person wanted someone to love them, but they
    didn't want to love back?
    What if that person
    would have
    them hurt
    yet they keep going strong?
    What if this person is slow and doesn't understand
    normal things like you or me?

    What if music doesn't equal life?
    What if art is just doodles of a persons hand?
    What if that person is falling apart, and yet no one notices
    What if it's right in front of their face yet they still don't notice it?
    WHY can't people see things that are in front of them?