• Mysteriously the night
    Clears away my fears
    Frightens me to death
    But never wipes away my tears

    This chilly spooky air
    Sends goosebumps up my arms
    I am afraid and yet fearless
    I believe I won't come to any harm

    This path I'll continue down
    This trail deep inside these woods
    Silence engulfing me
    I haven't done what I should

    It's like walking into only darkness
    Sightless with an invisible blindfold
    The crickets' songs have stopped
    My memories I no longer need to hold

    Oh, but what is this?
    A gush of wind, a breeze
    The sun's bright rays break the dark
    Noted by the swaying trees

    Somewhere down this road
    The world still does exist
    Out there a home for me is waiting
    And perhaps by some miracle I've even been missed

    So I'll end this nighttime journey
    And begin anew with the sunrise
    I'll run toward home with pounding steps
    Until once again it is time for the sun to hide.