• She's popular
    I'm invisible
    She's a goody goody
    I break all rules
    She likes to shop
    I like to play video games
    She wears contacts
    I wear glasses
    She puts on makeup
    I don't
    She is neat
    I'm unorganized
    She gossups
    I joke around
    She's a drama quenn
    I'm laid back, and carefree
    She lays down the law
    I just do whatever
    She gets catty
    I get funny
    She likes to fight dirty
    I love to get dirty
    She gets jealous
    I don't really care
    She wears bikini's
    I wear trunks and a top
    She wears dresses
    I wear jeans
    She has to have a purse
    I use my pockets
    She's skinny
    I'm kinda curvey
    She's on the cheer squad
    I'm in the band
    Her face is smooth
    Mine is like a road map
    She needs you 24/7
    I let you play with friends
    She wants attention
    I just want a hug now and again
    She cant be your best friend
    But I can