• Look at the Time.
    It's way past Nine.
    You have me in Anger.

    You left me for another.
    How could you ever.
    You Promised Forever.
    And now it seems like Never.

    Yes, It seems like Never!
    How could I Ever!
    Love a Monster like you!

    You stole my Heart
    & Ripped my pride away.

    Yes, Ripped it.
    Like it was a Sheet of Notebook Paper.

    I'm through with you.
    But I still can't get over these things that you do.

    Can't you see I want away from you!
    I hate myself for loving you!

    Your like a Drug.
    So Addicting, Yet so Vile & Evil.

    You Have me like a puppet.
    Each time I say I'll go.
    You pull my strings & I come back Home.

    How I hate those strings.
    One day I will break free.

    As for now, I can only say.
    I hate myself
    For ever loving you...