• go on, go ahead
    take your bow
    because you played the part so well
    and played me as a fool
    and you acted so well
    that i was fooled
    and just to let you know
    your performance
    made me fall in love with you
    but now the scene it's over
    you left me
    and now I'm that girl
    crying and puking
    accept I'm not acting
    i actually do love you
    i gave you love
    and you gave pretend
    but i don't want to play pretend
    i want it to be real
    but that's not going to happen
    i just want to be in your arms
    once again
    but now your moving on
    to the next girl
    to fool her
    and play your role
    all over again
    i gave you love
    and you gave me pretend
    i played the part of the girl
    who fell for the boy
    who so under her league
    except i actually did i wasn't playing
    i thought i was touching heaven with you
    but i was just touching scenery
    and i didn't want to go to sleep
    cus for once reality was better
    then my dreams
    but in reality
    my dreams
    they were better
    because in them
    you actually loved me
    in reality
    your were just acting
    so go ahead, go on
    take your bow
    you broke my heart
    you win crying