• The feeling is cooled
    Damp and faded
    The darkness enters your body
    And you are invaded
    You feel numbed and sad
    Tears waiting to pour
    You’re aggravated and tired
    You’re prepared to roar!
    Your heart begins to ache
    And your throat begins to clog
    Your lips begin to tremble
    As your vision starts to fog
    The Darkness consumes you
    Slowly and silent
    And when it’s completed
    The feeling is violent
    Your heart is breaking
    Because of the past
    You want it to stop
    But it’s coming too fast
    You’re tired and hungry
    You’re exhausted and done
    The Darkness has shot you
    With a metaphorical gun
    This is how it feels
    The personified dark
    And now you have it
    The shadowed mark
    It is what they all have
    The ones who have felt
    It is what I have now
    This thing I’ve been dealt
    Goodbye to happiness
    Hello to this Mark
    The mark that had entered
    No Light, Only the dark…