• Snow fell gently to the ground
    Soft and lovely, silenced sound
    Walking through the sheet of white
    Underneath clouded moonlight

    Tears fell gently down her cheeks
    Even after all these weeks
    Wishing he was there with her
    Wishing he could reassure

    She didn't know where he'd gone
    She didn't know what went wrong
    There one second, gone the next
    Making her life more complex

    Snow fell roughly to the ground
    Cold and bitter, brought her down
    Lying in the frigid white
    Yes, she would see him tonight

    Tears stopped falling down her cheeks
    She felt calm, she felt at peace
    Motionless, covered in frost
    The world grew dim, she knew she'd lost

    Taking one last icy breath
    Let herself be claimed by death
    Left behind the snowflake charms
    Entering his outstretched arms

    Sunrise came and warmed the air
    Perfect end to her despair
    Snow stopped falling to the ground
    Warm again with him around