• Is your strength, strength of stone?

    In your fight do you feel alone?

    Know that wisdom is better than strength

    Stretch your life line, greater is your hopes with a longer length

    You were given seeds of foundation

    Plant them on good ground and your heart will be filled with satisfication

    Bigger roots creates a stronger tree

    Spread your branches...inspiration is a wonderful key

    Build vigor in your heart

    Absorb all important information, don't tear it apart

    If you have no roots, you will not grow

    You will wilt away like a weed, no more seeds you will sow

    Become beautiful like a rose

    Open and expand your mind, don't let it darken and close

    P r i c k the enemy with your thorns who tries to pluck you

    Stand up for who you are

    Don't delve on your old scars

    Move on with life

    Fight all strife

    There's paradise in strength when you don't give up or give in

    Support your opinion

    Everyone is given a gift, open yours up and present it to the world

    We are special in our own way

    Don't be something you are not, be you

    Your work in life will pay off someday