• A body of white.
    Lovely, lovely, cold.
    I sense your discomfort,
    Your anxiety, your desire to leave.

    Is it because you are afraid of me?
    I have no bad intentions
    In catching you with my palm.

    I watched as you melt, wondering:
    Why melt? To get away from me
    And my body temperature?
    The Celsius in my body is often lower
    Than others. Leaving quickly and
    Quietly. Oh, Snow, come back.

    I do not wish for your presence
    To skip a physic test or math
    But I merely wish to have an extra day for
    Igo. Yes, that timed writing,
    The assignment that will only spell
    Doom, doom, doom.

    So hear my proposal, Snow.
    You here tomorrow, and I,
    I will leave you with your cold journey
    To the ground. Dominate the road,
    Ice the pavements and allow us
    Another holiday.

    Even if it’s two less days of summer,
    I will be thinking of you as it comes.