• Your hands, they created me,
    They shaped each curve, and smoothed each wrinkle.
    Then breathed life to my cold, porcelain lips.
    A smile came to them, to which you matched;
    You had made yourself another to love.
    At first both doll and human swelled with joy,
    Twirling through time, hand in hand,
    Cares tossed away like garbage.
    But deep within, through a fine thread connecting us,
    We knew it wouldn’t last, knew it would crumble.
    Still, you cradled me like I was more than artificial,
    Brushed away tears when I saddened,
    Held my hand when fear arose.

    Far too soon for us both though,
    I began coming undone.
    A crack ran across my leg, and you ignored it,
    Only dancing on the thin layer of lies harder.
    It spread, and others appeared, on my arms, feet, face.
    One day, even a joint of my pinkie fell,
    Shattering on the floor as it lost its magic.
    I showed you; bore them to your eyes,
    But they had clouded over with lies,
    And all you could see was my old, unblemished body.
    Screams fell from my mouth,

    But they only joined the shattered pinkie, unseen by you.
    I cried, I pled, and screamed, threw a fit.
    You just turned the music of lies, of denial, up,
    To poison and erode the pictures you saw.
    My frustration though only grew, and I let it,
    Until one day, I just released it on you.
    Fists flew, both porcelain, and fleshed,
    And only when mine broke did you stop.

    The fog shadowing your eyes fell away,
    And your frown blossomed to replace you smile,
    As tears welled up, and apologies flew through the air.
    But the deed had already been done,
    My skin had cracked and crumbled, and separated.
    Across my face, where smiles used to live,
    Was a crooked, broken mouth, teeth missing.
    A ghost of a smile still played across them,
    Like a pianist struggling to learn a complex song, missing notes.

    My lungs were cracked and leaked,
    Pouring cold air to my heart, freezing it over.
    A step I took towards you only brought me down,
    My knees the powder I landed in, cracking my chest,
    Shattering the once beating heart.
    Your apologies were like a bandage applied to a cut,
    Once it had healed, and disappeared.

    They bounced off my skin, echoing through the skies,
    Tears dragging them back to earth.
    And as the artificial, copy of life flooded from me,
    Your hand encircled what remained of mine,
    And my blinded eyes drew closed.
    The hands that had created me,
    Had shaped each curve, and smoothed each wrinkle,
    Had stolen back his breath from my lungs,
    Leaving me once again, a porcelain doll.