• the pain of walking.
    may be a lot to bare.
    being alone in the first time ,in a long time.
    no one hugs, or kisses anymore.
    no more hearing " baby i love you".
    the pain may consume you.
    it may be the worst feeling in the world.
    you got to hang on.
    hang on for the sun rise.
    hang on for the sunset.
    hang on for the good thing in life.
    don't go just because of one bad thing.
    you may be alone.
    you may be sad/depressed.
    but i am telling you it's not all bad.
    there is good and love in the cold planet.
    i should know i have felt the same way when my dog died , then my house caught fire ,then we had to leave my rabbit was hurt a couple days later we took her to the vet her spine was broken and we had to put her to sleep.
    this was just in two months all this happened.
    i had thought of suicide.
    i got this really strong medicine it only took one pill.
    i woke up two hours later.
    they had to give me char Cole.
    i was apparently not breathing when paramedic's got to my home they thought i wouldn't make it at one point.
    but i am here.
    and i can say there is some happiness in my life.
    it took me a few years to realize.
    there is not just dark.
    there is not just pain and sorrow.
    there is love and light.
    and i found that out the hard way. i could have ended my life.
    and not been able to see all the wonderful things of life.
    don't give up on life, because there are a lot of great things that you will miss if you are gone.
    think about everyone and everything that you would miss.
    do you really want to give that up.