• gifts and presents soon to be given
    laughter promised to abound.
    with the many different melodies
    and the many different sounds.

    A silent christmas eve
    with the children in their beds.
    how could they anticipate that
    the coming morning would bring dread?

    well the father dressed as santa claus
    in case the children wake
    is putting presents under the christmas tree
    the cookies, he had ate.

    a door creaked open
    ever so slightly
    and a murder crept in
    with his feet tiptoing lightly.

    and when santa put the
    presents under the christmas tree
    the new man stabbed him in the back
    now blood aborns the mantlepiece

    up the stairs he crept
    when the father
    was dead
    and snuck into his room.

    the wife, he murdered
    after doing the worst
    but he silenced her screams
    so the children hadn't heard.

    he slit her throat
    and left the room
    the mother's body
    left on the floor.

    the children awakened
    to their door being shut,
    their eyes searching vainly
    for the santa that hadn't come

    and a pair of eyes hooked them;
    they couldn't move in their fright.
    slowly, deliberately,
    the man brought out a knife.

    Now the next moring
    as the children open presents
    they hear on the news
    of what happened to their best friends

    The father, stabbed,
    while giving stocking stuffers.
    the mother's throat slit,
    after a horrible torture.

    the children gone,
    nowhere to be found
    A Merry Christmas, indeed
    but your blessings, you should count.