• my gentle prince, the capturer of All my emotions
    I love you and my tormented soul is your hostage
    I'm your love prisoner, and there are no solutions
    to pull my soul back from your attractive heart cage

    tell your love to have mercy on my weak fragile heart
    tell your beautiful eyes to balance their magic looks
    I seemed weak to resist their influence from the start
    it is like a spell came out of the immortal lovers books

    I'm drowning in my tears but still i breathe with your love
    it is the energy that is helping me to keep my heart alive
    I don't know if it is on only a freak,or a gift sent from above!
    but I know that it's the fate I've been taken to,in this life!!

    you're the craziness of my happiness,the voice of my laughter
    You're the beating of my heart, the whispering of my silent soul
    Oh if you know how happy that i am the one you always look after
    keep me dwelling in your heart forever,I Won't dare to exit at all
    4laugh heart