• do you know how hard it is
    to quit to just stop
    you keep fantasizing about
    you say this is the last time

    and for a while you do stop
    it heals over
    and all that is left is the scars
    you try and hide them
    but then you notice
    no one else does
    and it make you start again

    and it continues
    the blood flows freely
    the clothing gets bigger

    you try to stop and you scream
    but no ones listening
    no one notices

    you feel the pain and you try to hide
    but where can you hide from your self
    how can you hid when you can't stop
    the pain goes father away
    each time

    you know it is wrong
    it feel so go
    it burns
    and then you feel it all slip away
    and for a little while
    it is a different kinda pain
    a pain you can handle

    so you think this is the last time
    and you do stop for awhile but
    It is hard to stop when
    every thing is the same
    so the times in between get short and shorter
    and it gets deeper
    you know that your scared that maybe this time
    this time will be your last and you pray it is

    you know that their are others
    that fight harder
    and others
    that don't give in like you do

    but they are not you
    and you know you could be them if only
    if only some one
    would notice
    would care
    would you
    do you see
    how can you
    do you know how it feels
    have you ever felt
    I could go on but I know your their reading this
    I don't any more
    for this time I think it is to deep