• ~`The Dance`~

    Silence a sound of no return,
    given hope and given joy freely,
    not unto their time.

    Crept down from the room,
    she heard whispers aloud,
    but a peaceful song played,
    against the moonlit background.

    Alien to the dead,
    She crept into the simplistic mood,
    but only to find a disturbance,
    that would embed itself in her soul.

    Mystic were the people there,
    She too wanted the happiness they shared.

    Dance they did to the sweet melody,
    She stepped upon the floor and suddenly felt free,
    Arms above her swayed to the beat,
    The softness in the air wooed her as if her love
    was proposing on his knee.

    Faded did the bodies go,
    She in a trance did not know,
    The souls of the lost danced about there,
    and did not dance for happiness,
    but they wanted her soul near.

    She reached out to embrace the shoulder
    of a wall-flower type man,
    to see all of the sin and hate flashing before her hand,
    She screamed and looked about to find,
    the jagged steps of the dead is what they left behind.

    The sweet melody were actually screams,
    From tortured souls that had tried to run
    from the devil's hell,
    Their sins and grief spread through their spirit,
    Then soon they realized they were not all souless.

    Needless to say she who ran was never found,
    For she dances among those who are dead now,
    Because they reached within her soul,
    Her last breath was evil,
    And now, never-ending.