• Attached to thick strings,
    I'm forced to move around,
    Pulled by my hair,
    I make pained sounds.

    Invisible master,
    Whom no one can see,
    Someone in shadows controlling me.

    You move me with your tainted strings,
    You torture me until I scream,
    I'm moved around by every limb,
    I have no soul I'm lost within.

    My shattered mind unfixable,
    My lost time untraceable,
    My life controlled, my every move,
    My mind and body are not in tune.

    Forced to submit to society,
    I'm pushed to losing my identity,
    Everything is the same,
    Nothing is allowed to change.

    I'm a puppet on a string,
    Every time I'm pulled it stings,
    My mind will never be at rest,
    I am not one of the blessed.