• I felt lost on my journey in a place so foreign
    Below the equator I was told there was salvation
    In a forest you don't see.

    So I made the trip with bags on my back
    And began my new voyage to hopefully bring me happiness.

    Was the middle of the night when I had set out,
    As I could not wait to finally see,
    If the myth that I was told was not just fiction but an astounding fact.

    I was scared but felt a comfort of sort.
    As this felt right and I was on course.

    There was darkness all around with little beads staring me down.
    Was an eerie, mystical feeling in the air that brew with
    The moonlight that gave me the will to move on ahead.

    I had found a place so beautiful it seemed
    Like there was nothing else in the world but this and me.

    The river it flowed so nice spraying me with water so heartening.
    The mountains that lay behind it with snow capped tips,
    Gave me a feeling of ease as though my journey was sound.

    The animals that reside in the forest
    Told me to live life happy and to stay here for forever.

    The place is too wonderful, but that isn't the best part.
    Rather the journey I had taken is the time I'll remember most.
    I just hope I wasn't alone with my bag and a ghost.