• Save Us

    Verse 1
    This world, this one of a kind space,
    once so beautiful and pure.
    Now has become this vile place,
    we have come to know,
    where can lay our cure.

    Save us,
    some one save us.
    Clense this wold of it's evil,
    We have to stop this killing,
    reverse the blood form spilling.
    End this vile living,crime and plus
    Some one save us

    The youth of this fine country,
    choking on the blood of plenty,
    of those whom have died,
    here or over the seas,
    who fight for the freedom,
    those who tried,
    for we the citizens,
    we the people,
    help us.

    Save us,
    some one save us.
    Clense this wold of it's evil,
    We have to stop this killing,
    reverse the blood form spilling.
    End this vile living,crime plus
    Some one save us

    Verse 3
    This can't last forever,
    somethings gotta' work in our favor.
    We the people can't go on living this way,
    soon some one will pay.
    So please is it so hard,
    for you to help farther then disreguard us.

    Save us,
    some one save us.
    Clense this wold of it's evil,
    We have to stop this killing,
    everse the blood form spilling.
    End this vile living,crime plus
    Some one save us(2x)

    Ending verse
    For the world's beauty,
    and no more pitty,
    just help us.