• Every waking moment you are on my mind
    Every time I look to my thoughts you are what I find
    It torments me until I feel like I want to go blind
    This emptiness inside of me I cannot put behind
    I always say that if you need another person to feel whole
    Then you are doomed to suffer a life of misery
    But your presence upon my heart has taken quite a tole
    And every time I close my eyes your face is all I see
    It might be that I’m terrified of dying all alone
    This feeling might not be love it might only be fear
    But regardless of everything that I have ever known
    When I plug my ears your voice is the only thing I hear
    And if I ever felt that you were truly out of reach
    That you would never be mine no matter what I do
    Well I would move the whole world to tears with a single speech
    And drown in my own sorrow until all of my days were through
    I have to struggle to find the words because letters don’t suffice
    These ragged shapes on ragged pages the ink smudges and fades
    The contrast of these two extremes melding as if spliced
    And running together until it’s all just varying shades of grays
    This is what I think is happening inside my brain
    The words etched onto my heart it just cannot comprehend
    And so it struggles constantly and can’t handle the strain
    I fear that this internal confusion may just be my end
    And all I need to quell the violent tempest raging within
    Is for you to place a gentle kiss upon my brow
    And tell me that yesterday is nothing more than dust in the wind
    Tomorrow is unimportant all that matters is right now
    And I would hold your hand
    I would hold you close
    I’d never let go
    We’d just take it slow
    And I would hold your hand
    I would hold you close
    I’d never let go
    We’d just take it slow