• i asked her for another chance,
    she gave it to me,
    she said youve been wantin another chance,
    but now,
    she shatterd my hopes,
    broke up wth me,
    i glared at the void,
    askin the stars why did it happen agian?
    why'd i hav to get broken again?
    why'd she have to shatter my heart?
    thats already been broken tons of times?
    why does there have to be another shatter?
    when she said she loved me,
    did she mean it?
    or was it just another lie?
    is it my fault?
    did i say somthing?
    or fail to say somthing?
    why does my heart have to feel so much pain?
    is it just becuase im just dust?
    is that why everyone hates me?
    because im just worthless?
    is that why she broke my heart?
    to see how i'd react to havin hopes crushed?
    why must it be me that gets treated this way?
    why cant she just see that im human?