• I gently sat and looked around the place
    Everywhere I saw a stranger’s face
    Who is this man I saw deep in my dreams?
    Where is this man I long to go and meet?

    The birds sang high and made me want to cry
    It’d been so long since I had heard his lie
    He’d left me there to go pursue his dreams
    And now I was alone, or so it seemed.

    The sun shone bright and warmed my tear-stained face
    And then I heard a noise in my secret place.
    I looked around, confused and called out loud,
    “Who is it that disturbs me? Come out now.”

    A man stepped out from there behind the brush
    His clothes were torn and he was bathed in dust
    He laughed aloud and said he meant no harm,
    Claimed he came from afar to see my charm.

    I blinked, unsure of what it was he meant.
    I’d seen him in no place that I had went.
    But still, his face it seemed to me the same
    As one I’d seen in my imagined game.

    “Who is this man who comes before my eyes?”
    I asked myself while staring at the sky.
    He asked to sit beside me on the bench
    He commented upon the singing finch.

    We talked all day until the sun went down.
    And when the moon came out he wore a crown.
    My eyes went wide, I knew not what to say.
    He sighed and told me that he could not stay.

    A god I thought, a god indeed he was.
    He sprouted wings, pure white, just like a dove’s.
    The moonlit god ascended to the sky.
    He shed a tear, we kissed and said goodbye.