• Roses have thorns
    That pierce through your skin
    You see the blood
    But not the pain within

    The sting of a wasp
    It hurts deep inside
    But outside your shell
    That's the thing that you hide

    A wonderful boy,
    A girl with a dream
    When another comes
    It's worse than it seems

    The boy turns away
    His back to her face
    Her heart begins pounding
    At an unbelievable pace

    The tears start to flow
    As her love walks away
    She does not know what to do
    Follow or run away?

    She's not so sure
    If this boy is the one
    "Should I forgive him
    For the things he has done?"

    The truth is hidden
    Under her cries
    The actions of the boy
    is where the future lies...