• Now I know why
    He licks his

    It's so hard at first
    And it's
    No wonder why
    They scar.

    You have to move
    Your mouth, lick at
    The corners of
    The beginnings of
    The wounds
    To make the
    Itching stop.

    (By the
    Way, it doesn't
    Help, it makes it itch more.)

    And the stretching of
    The raw
    Flesh, that's
    The best and
    Worst part.

    I'm a newly initiated
    Narcissist, constantly
    Pulling out a pocket
    To inspect, to
    Roam the new
    Wonderful and
    Strange expanse of grin,
    The beauty of
    A few slender lines
    Into tender skin.

    (hey, slender/tender. That rhymed.
    Proves the beauty.)

    To make sure that
    The scabs don't peek
    Out from under my

    Because he says
    I'm not finished yet.