• I was always hoping the game would change things
    That I could wake up and here the choir sing

    Not wake up to the smell of bullet smoke
    Hear the next door neighbor cough then croak

    My clothes worn down, soles of my shoes falling apart
    The only way to live like I live is by having 80% heart

    Otherwise, you’d die on the first day and cry on the first date

    My heart’s a shield; can’t be broken by words or stone
    I make all this money by my rhymes alone

    People never thought I could get this far
    I got to admit; getting here was hard

    But I stood up tall and never came up short
    The only thing that happened was that I got dragged to court

    So here I am, telling you this story
    About how I achieved fame and glory

    My heart burned with the will of many
    As cherished every nickel and penny

    I look back now on how naïve I was
    I only came this far because

    I Played The Game

    Playing the game means you ain’t never the same
    Playing the game means you the one blame
    Playing the game means to look up when it rains
    You can’t get this far without playing the game

    To play the game you got to have 5% luck, 5% skill, 10% courage and 80 % heart

    The only way you can get anywhere is if you play the game