• The moon slowly climbs to it's throne to illuminate the small features
    While the stars are sprinkled to keep the night safe
    A black blanket is spread out behind them, wrapping the world in comfort
    The loud, harsh sounds quiet down as they are put to sleep.

    The weeping willows leafs seem like tear drops dripping down
    To kiss and lace the ground in it's sadness
    Creatures scurry, fly and crawl their way on the dim but glowing paths
    Trying not to caught by the larger beings- waiting to pounce

    Candles are lit and the flames paint dim pictures,
    For open eyes to collect and save
    Footsteps carry on in search pf their lost path
    And in search for new collections to save

    Music began to fill the crisp air
    And the tapping of dancing feet are hidden beneath the eerie songs
    A couple are dancing on top of the great weeping willow's hill
    Whose threads of black tear-drop petals complete their Gothic fantasy

    Quiet swishes of the midnight blue Victorian dress can be heard
    And the sound of silk clothe rubbing gently together follow the graceful swishing
    The straight raven black hair moves gracefully- tinted with a silver glow
    And chocolate brown hair falls into the icy but warm eyes of her partner with each step.