• Still the empty mountain air
    a breeze floats like a whispered question
    hanging limply
    suspended in thin air

    there the leaves sway
    like the tides of a far away shore
    in rhythm with each simple breeze

    Stone and Earth sit
    Still and wise
    watching over summer days
    sleeping through winter nights

    I am at peace
    within this natural wilderness
    i prolong what i first sought
    what was a lifelong journey
    now a walk through a life yearning story

    The leaves yell out
    " LISTEN! "
    as the world shuts it mouth
    we all lend in our ears

    then The Silver Forest speaks
    " we are the land that shakes and the wind that blows

    We are the streams that snake across wild green meadows
    We are The leaves that drift through Autumns sigh
    And the flowers that hide through winters silence
    We are the world before now and will be after its pass
    We are the secrets of this silver forest
    So Listen to us Speak "

    And there before the hunters full moon
    a single silver wildflower
    blooms strong and tall
    Whispering secrets
    of the Silver Forests fading face
    " We are We are The last echo of life "