• My heart aches,
    It seems to scream
    Your name,
    Over and over again.
    It needs you,
    It wants you.

    I need you,
    I want you.

    I cry,
    I fight,
    I die for you.

    Your hair,
    Your eyes,
    Even your smell,
    It's addicting,
    And i'm hooked.
    I need my next fix,
    I need you.

    The way you hold me,
    Against your body,
    In your strong arms,
    I want it,
    No, i NEED it.

    It means nothing,
    Unless there are side effects,
    Loss of sleep,
    Constant need,
    Those are your side effects,
    And i don't mind.

    I'm addicted,
    To you.
    And your addicted,
    To me.